Thursday, October 8, 2009

I Miss My Husband!

Bradley is feeling better (or at least I refuse to stay home any longer) and we had a somewhat normal day. It started with dropping Bryce off at school, then taking Bradley to music, and then off to Scandia so Bradley could climb with friends and I could chat with friends. After returning home and doing a few things, it was off to pick up Bryce, do homework, have a snack, a little unwinding time and then make dinner. That is when the all to familiar call came..."Sorry honey, I have 14 more charts to do so I won't be home for a while". I should be so happy that he is busy (and I am), but I sure do MISS YOU BABE!!!! So after dinner the boys rode their scooters down to the park to fill up time and exert a little energy. Now it is time to read books and get in bed. Another day--thanks for working hard Babe and I hope to see you soon!


Deborah W said...

He's a Keeper!

maryam said...

I enjoy reading your blog. I miss you guys. Anytime I feel like that I think of residency!

Anonymous said...

I hear ya!! Sorry you had so many indoor sick days Laurel! But yes - we are so lucky that the norm is usually healthy. We're also lucky to have wonderful husbands who have jobs and work hard!! Love ya! jen